Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The End of the Steroid Era?

Baseball needs to realize that the only way to end the steroid era is to put their money where there mouth is. There ought to be a clause in every player's contract that if they are caught using performance enhancing drugs that they can be immediately reduced to the league minimum salary for the term of their current contract and must pay any performance based or signing bonuses back to the club.

Oh, wait, the players union...well it was a thought.


John Peddie said...

Or you could replace Bud Selig with an actual vertebrate.

Shane M. White said...

Oh my! A new blog!
Exactly what I wanted for Christmas, just two months late!

I hope all is well with you, busy boy...

mmaier2112 said...

Or we could just not care.

(I'm a little late to the convo, but I don't care.)

The players will always be ahead of the detection curve for performance enhancers. If we stop caring about what the players pump into their own bodies it would eliminate the problem.

The only legit method for this is if the owners should just write contacts nullifying the entire remainder of the contract if they're found to be using. They have a legit gripe IF the banned substance is actually harmful. After all, they have $$$ invested in the player and a strong interest in their staying healthy.

The players union sucks. But name one union that doesn't.

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